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Join Arab Safe

Pledge to the Initiative and be safe 

Working together to promote better use of radiation in medicine 

Welcome to ArabSafe!

News //

ArabSafe will launch officially during Arab Health 2017.

Feb 1, 2017  Dubai -UAE

Join us by attending the Global radiation safety session and know more about the campaign. 

RSSA Joint Meeting presents ArabSafe.

October 22, 2016 Jeddah- KSA

During the 1st joint scientific meeting of Radiological Society and American Institute for Radiological Pathology (AIRP) three participations were made to promote the Bonn Call for Action and announce the establishment of ArabSafe.

ICRM 2016 & The Bonn Call for Action 

Feb 25, 2016 Riyadh- KSA

During International Conference on Radiation in Medicine (ICRM) the Bonn Call for Action was presented and key players in radiation protection and diagnostic imaging met with IAEA and WHO representatives to set the scene for establishing a campaign in the region that complies with the international concern. 

Arab Safe

Initiative aims to impact the current diagnostic imaging practice, support self regulation, increase awareness of radiation safety of patients, workers, and the general public, and promote a radiation safe culture.

IAEA & WHO meeting in Bonn

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored an International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine: Setting the Scene for the Next Decade”, in Bonn Germany in December 2012. 

They published a list of priorities for radiation protection in medicine called the Bonn Call for Action. It has been supported by governments, scientific societies and organizations responsible for the application of radiation in medicine worldwide. 

Join the Arab Safe steering committee

If you are an organization or institution that is concerned with radiation protection and radiation use in medicine in the Arab countries: i.e government authority, scientific society, member of the industry.....

You can join our steering committee and help us change the practice today by clicking here


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